Ball Bag
Glass used: Highball Glass
1/2 oz Bailey's(R) Irish cream
1/2 oz Kahlua(R) coffee liqueur
1/2 oz Cointreau(R) orange liqueur
1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur
1/2 oz benedictine herbal liqueur
1/2 oz Drambuie(R) Scotch whisky
1/2 oz Bushmills(R) Irish whiskey
1/2 oz Scotch whisky
1/2 oz Tia Maria(R) coffee liqueur
1/2 oz Glayva(R) Scotch liqueur
The Ball Bag was contributed by Alan Ring, Cambridge, England. Popular with any one who can afford it, very unpopular with those who can't……Stir ingredients together with ice in a highball glass, and serve.