To Do Tarts
3 oz Pecans; about 3/4 c. 2 tb Sugar Grated zest of 1 orange 1 Stale bread loaf slice About 1 oz 1 Egg white; stiffly beaten Combine the pecans, sugar, zest, and stale bread in the container of a food processor or blender and spin until very fine. Be cautious about overheating the nuts or they will be greasy. Gently fold the stiff egg white into the nut dough to lighten it. Shape into small balls (about 1/4 ounce or the size of a cherry tomato) and bake on a buttered sheet in an oven preheated to 325 for about 12 minutes or until lightly browned. The cookies can be flattened with the tines of a fork before baking, if desired. A pinch of plain or cinnamon sugar can be dropped over each cookie before baking as well, but do not make too sweet. SOURCE: Biscuits, Spoonbread, and Sweet Potato Pie (pg. 245) ----- |