Star Cooky Tree
Cooky dough Decorating frosting Colored candies Styrofoam base 4 1/2" -diameter Center support, see notes* *1-1/2 inch in diameter and 11 inches long *Candle, dowel or wooden stick may be used. 1. Make 2 recipes of Swedish Ginger cooky dough.Refrigerate 2.Make star pattern. The bottom star (largest) measures 9" across at the points. Each (big) cooky graduates in size, 3/8" smaller than the last...for 10 cookies.These last are MY observations, and it shows that if you make your FIRST star, then gradually keep cutting the pattern down 3/8", this is how it's done. 3. Place pattern on dough which has been rolled 1/4" thick. 4 Cut around pattern with knife. Make 10 stars of graduated sizes. 5. Cut 3/4" hole in center of each star. 6 Make six 2-1/2", six 2" and six 1" round cookies. (These go in between the large stars on the pole.) Cut a 3/4" hole in center of each. 7. Make another cooky star (smaller) for the top of the tree. 8. Bake as directed in recipe. Cool 9. Frost edges of stars with Decorating Frosting. Trim with colored candies. Allow frosting to dry. 10. Place center support in styrofoam base that is about 4-1/2" in diameter. 11. Assemble..Largest star..2 largest round large star...2 round cookies, etc. Helen Jolly ----- |