Pot Roast Of Buffalo
1 Young buffalo rump roast About 5 1/2-6 lbs. 1/4 lb Chilled fat salt pork Larding strips. 5 c Big game marinade 1/4 c Lard or margarine 1 T Flour 2 c Beef stock or strong bouilon 1 T Tomatoe paste 2 T Flour dissolved in: 3 T Cold marinade Insert larding strips at 2" intervals all over the meat. Put in crock or ceramic or glass bowl and pour marinade over. Let stgand, covered, in a cool place for 1 or 2 days, turning meat every few hours so all surfaces are permeated. Remove meat and reserve marinade. Wipe meat dry with paper towels. Heat lard in large deep skillet or heavy pot and brown meat all over. Sprinkle with the flour and add stock to cover. Add 2 cups of the marinade and the tomato paste and cook, covered, over medium heat for about 1 hour or until meat is tender. Remove meat to heated platter and keep warm. Skim fat from pot and strain juices into saucepan. Thicken with the flour-marinade if necessary. Slice meat and pour some of gravy over it; serve remaining gravy in a sauceboat. Serves 10-12. Serve with: candied yams or sweet potatoes. Source: "COOKING WILD GAME", by Zack Hanle, 1974 |