Polenta-Millet Bread
2 1/2 Tsp Active Dry Yeast 3/4 C Water -- PLUS 2 Tbsp Water 3 Tbsp Honey 1 1/2 C Bread Flour 1/2 C Whole-Wheat Flour 1/3 C Millet -- I used amaranth 1/3 C Polenta 1 Tbsp Wonderslim -- *see NOTE 1 Tsp Salt Book by Linda West Eckhardt and Diana Collingwood Butts *NOTE: Original recipe called for 2 T vegetable oil. Dough Setting Makes one 1 1/4 lb loaf Some breads happen to be high in fiber and rich in taste and this is one of them. Serve it with hearty fish soups, stews such as cassoulet or as a base for bruschetta. If you don't have polenta, cornmeal can be substituted. Directions are for the dough setting, although this bead can be made and baked in a 1 lb machine. (The flavor will not be the same.) In either event, serve this loaf warm. Add all ingredients to the bread machine pan. Process on the dough setting. Meanwhile, lightly grease a baking sheet or place a piece of parchment paper on a peel. Remove the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead for a few seconds to remove any remaining air bubbles. Shape into a ball and flatten slightly with the palm of your hand. Place on the prepared baking sheet or peel. Cover the dough loosely with plastic wrap or a damp tea towwl and set aside to rise in a warm draft-free area until doubled in bulk, about 1 hr. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 375 deg F, inserting a baking stone or tiles if you are not using a baking sheet. When the dough has doubled in bulk, score the top with a sharp knife or razor blade held at a 45 deg F angle to the bread. Bake for 30 min, or until medium brown, on the middle brown, on the middle rack of the preheated oven on the baking stone or tiles. Transfer from the baking sheet or stone to cool on a rack. Store wrapped in a plastic bag. Incredibly good. Entered into MasterCook II and tested for you by Reggie Dwork <[email protected]> |