Choco-Banana Supreme Shake
-Pam Courson-DWHV03B 1 c Diet chocolate soda; chilled 1/2 md Banana; peeled 1 pk Diet choc. shake mix -(WW or Alba) 1 tb Smooth peanut butter; frozen Into each of 4 sections of ice cube tray pour 2 Tblsps soda (sections should be about 2/3 full); freeze till cubes are solid. Wrap banana in plastic freezer wrap freeze till solid. In blender combine remaining 1/2 cup soda, frozen banana half, dairy drink mix, and peanut butter, and process at high speed till smooth, scraping down sides of container as necessary. Add soda cubes, 1 at a time, processing after each addition till ice is dissolved (mixture will be thick). Serve immediately. Makes one serving: 1 P, 1 Fa, 1 Fr, 1 M, 2 opt. cals. Variation: Omit peanut butter and lose 1P and 1 Fa NOTE: Both these recipes were adapted from "Weight Watchers Family Recipes." I say "adapted," 'cause I prefer to eat my frozen banana without a stick in it |