Recipes from Chef Manu Buffara

By / Premium Content / April 16th, 2023 / 1



“I have a passion for the sea, for the movement of the waves, for the bravery, for calm waters, for the taste of salt in the mouth, for the textures of the sand. A dessert with this flavor, with textures that it provides me, was like creating a jewel to return back to the sea that has so blessed me with its products during my life.Thats my presente, dessert with seaweed”.

Servings: 4

For seaweed sauce


20 g nori

150 g water

70 g soy sauce

25 g lemon juice

2 g xantan


Blend all the ingredients for 5 minutes.

Homemade granola


  • 200gr of medium oats
  • 100 gr of brown sugar
  • 14 gr of flaxseed
  • 8 gr of salt
  • 25 ml of coconut milk
  • 15 gr of honey
  • 8 gr of vanilla essence
  • 30 gr of raisins 
  • 50 gr chopped cashew nuts 
  • 30 g of sunflower seed 
  • 20 gr shredded coconut (


In the multiprocessor, process the oats, brown sugar and flaxseed.

If the oats are thick, process well, until it becomes a finer flour.

In a bowl, mix the flour from the processor with the other ingredientes.

Place on a baking sheet and bake in oven at 180º C.

For Dill Oil


  • 200 g dill leaves
  • 200 g grapeseed oil


Blend all the ingredients until the mixture become green or 6 min. Let it sieve in a paper bag overnight.

Yoghurt ice cream


  • 500 gr yoghurt
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 120 g quark cheese
  • 50 g cream
  • 80 gr milk


Step 1: Fill the pacotizing beaker
Mix all ingredients together and pour into a pacotizing beaker.

Step 2: Freeze
Seal the pacotizing beaker,  label and  freeze at -22 °C for at least 24 hour

For Mushroom Powder


  • 400 g shimeji sliced
  • 200 g shiitake sliced


Slice all mushrooms and place them in a silpat. Take to oven for 30 to 45  min in 120°C  until dry. Dry the mushroom about 3 or 4 hours in a dehydrator.  Let it cool and blend until the mixture become a powder. Pass through a sieve and reserve it.


In a dessert bowl, put a teaspoon of seaweed sauce, then, place a little bit of granola over the sauce. Pour a thread of dill oil around the sauce. Make a quenelle of gelato and put over the granola. Sprinkle a little bit of mushrooms powder over the gelato. Serve it immediately.


Cauliflower is one of those foods that can create feelings of love and hate. There are those who love it and those who hate it. For me to cook it and reach perfect simplicity was one of my biggest victories in 2018. The combination of the steam I used to cook it, the passion fruit that brings me the acidity present in my childhood memory and the peanut that combines its fat and creaminess. I have a love affair with acidity, this dish brings a smile to my soul. Thank you cauliflower.

Portions: 4 

For cauliflower:


  • 50 g butter
  • 1 organic small cauliflower
  • 150 mL water


Bring the butter to boil. Add the whole cauliflower, grill all the parts, and then pour the water. Cover with a pan lid and let it cook completely. For 18 minutes. (Use a pan that fits well). In the middle of cooking, put more water if needed. Let cool and then make portions (one flower per person).

For fried milk

Part 1


  • 300 g butter
  • 150 g cauliflower cut into chunks
  • 200 g whole milk
  • 110 g passionfruit (juice ans seeds)


Make a cauliflower butter. Bring the butter to boil and add cauliflower. Let it cook at low temperature for one hour. Drain. Bring the cauliflower butter (185 g) to boil again (use a “tall” pan) and fry the milk (it will emerge). Add passion fruit, blend for 5 minutes and let rest. 

Part 2


  • 100 g noisette butter
  • 120 g whole milk
  • 50 g heavy cream


Bring the noisette butter to boil. Fry the milk and the heavy cream (just like the part 1) Let it boil for 3 minutes. Blend until smooth. Now, add the passion fruit mixture and blend it again for 10 minutes until homogenized.

For Peanuts foam


  • 300 g peanuts (peeled and lightly toasted)
  • 350 g whole milk
  • 200 g heavy cream
  • 50 g rice vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt


Blend peanuts and milk until you get a homogeneous paste. Pass through a tamis. Bring this mixture to simmer lightly and add heavy cream. Remove from heat and add rice vinegar and salt. Blend with a mixer, pass through a tamis again and put in a siphon bottle with two charges. Let it cool for two hours in a fridge. 


In a pan, heat the cauliflower liquid, add the cauliflower and grill it. In a bowl, put the passion fruit milk, and add the cauliflower in the middle. Cover with the cauliflower liquid. Put the peanut foam next to the cauliflower and put some salty crumble.


Looking at the small things that make life great and the people who create them.

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