1 oz Limoncello
1 oz Grand Marnier
Whipped cream
Pour Limoncello and Grand Marinier into coffee cup or glass. Fill with coffee and top with whipped cream.
2 cups Water
3-4 tsp Tea leaves
1 chunk dried Ginger
3-4 crushed Cardamom pods
3 Cloves
1 piece Cinnamon
1-2 whole Black pepper
Sugar to taste
Bring 2 cups of water to boil. Add all the ingredients and boil again for about 15 seconds. Let stand for a minute. Warm milk in a pot. Filter tea into cups. Add milk and sugar. That's IT.
8 oz Coffee
2 oz Bailey's irish cream
2 oz Half-and-half
1 tsp Sugar
Mix cofee and chilled Irish Cream and half & half. Add sugar and stir. Serve hot in an Irish coffee cup.
1 cl Kahlua
1 cl Bailey's irish cream
1 1/2 Frangelico
4 cl hot Coffee
Build into a suiting glass, with no ice. Cream on top if wanted. Served directly.
Black Coffee
1 shot Bailey's irish cream
1 shot Frangelico (or hazelnut liquer)
1 squirt Chocolate syrup
Whipped cream
Fill mug 2/3 full with coffee. Add liquers, chocolate syrup, and stir. Top it off with a mound of whipped cream, sprinkle it with cinnamon or nutmeg if desired.
4 cl Absolut Kurant
Turkish apple Tea
Sugar (if needed)
Pour Absolut Kurant into a comfortably big tea-cup. Add the not too hot(!) apple tea and, if you like, some sugar. Enjoy!
1 part brewed Coffee
1 part Tia maria
1 part Frangelico
1 part Amaretto
Whipped cream
Cherry (optional)
Fill glass 1/4 with coffee, pour Tia Maria, Frangelico, & Amaretto slowly, add whipped cream on top, cherry if you want to. When drinking, stir gently if you like your coffee light. Drink from the bottom with a straw if you like it strong. Still looking for a better name, e-mail me if you think of one, or if you've heard of it with another name. imrey@aol.com
5 shots Hot Damn 100
very sweet Tea
Pour Hot Damn 100 in bottom of a jar or regular glass. Fill the rest of the glass with sweet tea. Stir with spoon, straw, or better yet a cinnamon stick and leave it in.
1/2 oz Kahlua
1/2 oz Bailey's irish cream
1 oz Cream
Fill mug 3/4 full with coffee. Add Kahlua, Bailey's and cream. Stir and serve.
5 parts Coffee
2 parts Vodka
1 handful Sugar
Add the coffe first , then add alchohol and finally you should add the sugar. Shake well :c)