Budweiser Copper Lager
Budweiser and Jim Beam collaborated to commemorate their shared passion for quality ingredients and product innovation. The result? Copper Lager, a limited run reserve collection amber/red lager. It is brewed with Two Row barley and aged on Jim Beam bourbon barrel staves.
With 6.2% ABV, Copper Lager definitely qualifies as a “strong beer”. It pours a clean rich, dark red-brown; it’s opaque, not cloudy or thick like a stout but with the same intensity in the colour. The off-white head has good retention and great lacing. While the nose is a bit weak, it smells like a Budweiser: simple malted barley, mild biscuit, hints of caramel malt, oak and maybe just a touch of vanilla.
When cold, it’s tarry and smooth with toasted malt lingering on the finish. Subtle dark chocolate notes come through the traditional amber beer flavours. Refreshing, it packs more flavour than expected from a Budweiser. As it warms up, caramel notes come into play with nuts, vanilla and lots of sweet bourbon. The finish lingers much longer.
Copper Lager is a nice change of pace for Budweiser, proving that big-name beer producers are ready to jump into the craft beer scene.