I’ve Got the Munchies!
I love the sound of the word ‘lunch’. It just sounds so yummy. I must say, though, that I’m guilty when it comes to not giving lunch its due. Making my own lunch everyday can become uninspired and boring sometimes. I’m not alone in this either. A recent survey found that most Canadians experience brown-bag-boredom.
According to research, men prefer a hot meal at lunch, while women want to satisfy their cravings, and everyone wants it as quick as possible. When it comes to lunch, these are just some of the top reasons why Canadians choose to go out to eat. The poll showed that many Canadians use their allotted lunch time as a midday catch-up, with 30 per cent of the respondents saying they like to socialize with friends and colleagues over a quick noon-time bite.
Where do you find yourself in these results?
- Nearly 40 per cent of Canadians eat out for lunch in a given month.
- 47 per cent of those who bring their lunch at least sometimes wished they had gone out to eat instead.
- Nearly 20 per cent actually do ditch their brown bag and eat out instead.
- 60 per cent are in search of a hot lunch, with men ranking this as 10 percent more important than women.
- Women (44%) are nearly 10 per cent more likely than men (35%) to head out for lunch in order to satisfy a craving.
- 68% of those who eat out are hustling to eat in thirty minutes or less.
- Ontarians (at 72%) are the most likely to have 30 minutes or less for a lunch break.
- 63 per cent of Canadians say their lunch break has remained about the same length over the last 5 years, but those in British Columbia are most likely to say that the length of their lunch break has decreased (23%).
- At 46 per cent, residents of Atlantic Canada are the most likely to buy lunch out once a month, even when they bring a home-made lunch to work.
- Those who eat lunch out in Quebec are the most likely to cite the importance of a hot meal at 60 per cent of respondents.