How do I make time to cook healthy food?

By / Food / August 8th, 2013 / 3

It’s the age-old problem. We work and play so hard that when our tummies start rumbling we realize we haven’t given any thought to the meal. So, when that uncomfortable time rolls around, we head for the quickest, easiest route to food. Maybe it’s leftovers at the back of the fridge, a microwavable meal out of a box, or the local fast food establishment. Hey, I’m not going to tell you those aren’t ok, at least some of the time. Even the most well intentioned health conscious folks end up in situations where they just have to (or want to) indulge in something other than the results of their own cooking efforts.

I would argue, though, that indulging in that kind of quick and easy food lifestyle too often might not be such a hot idea. So, how does one go about providing healthy, flavourful meals on a daily basis for oneself and one’s family? I’m not going to say it’s super easy. But, I will suggest that where there’s a will, there’s a way. You just need a little bit of planning and a little bit of help. Here are some tips to get you into the groove:

plan meals

Once per week, before you go shopping, scour your cookbooks or the internet for recipes that you’d like to make during the week. Stick to recipe that come together quickly and require few ingredients. Save your grand creations for the weekend. By the way, if you don’t do a once-per-week grocery shopping, you can still use this tip. Stick your menu and the ingredients you’ll need for each day on the fridge. That way, you’ll know what to pick up from the store that night on your way home.

separate food according to meals when you get home from shopping

According to your menu, two recipes call for chicken breasts. So, you pick up a large pack. Whatever you do, don’t throw the whole pack into the freezer. Open it and separate the pieces according to how many you’ll need for each recipe. Re-wrap them separately. Take note of when you’ll need them. Today’s Thursday, if you need some of those chicken breasts on Saturday, don’t freeze them.

cook in advance

Maybe you don’t have anything pressing planned for Sunday morning. That’s when you pull out the meat and stew, roast or grill it according to the week’s recipes. Go ahead, roast a whole chicken on Sunday for Monday’s and Tuesday’s dinners. That makes it quick and easy, doesn’t it?

use slow cookers and pressure cookers

This one’s self explanatory. When you have an appliance that does the cooking for you, you’re laughing. Put your feet up and enjoy.

get roommates and family involved

Who says you’re the only one who can use those pots and pans. Get the rest of your household involved in planning, prepping and cooking, and watch your free time grow.

Do you have any more tips? Let me know.


Rosemary Mantini has always loved words. When she isn't working as the Associate Editor at Tidings Magazine, she's helping others achieve their writing dreams, and sometimes she even relaxes with a good book and a glass of wine.

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